cracked wheat, red lentil, tomato and pepper paste, tarragon, spices, bone broth, olive oil, kidney bean
hot pepper, tomato, bulghur, garlic, parsley, vinegar, purple basil, spices
rice, yoghurt, tarragon
All Regions |
Akcaabat tarhanasi, cracked wheat, dried beans
cracked wheat, chickpeas, green lentil, tomato, pepper, tarragon, onion, spices, olive oil, tomato and pepper paste,
sunroot, yoghurt, bulghur, tarragon
plum juice, bulghur, zucchini, onion, garlic
lentil, bulghur, onion, garlic, tomato paste, basil, plum
Barley, onion, garlic, ping, yoghurt, rice
barley, dried tomato, dried pepper, chickpeas, meat, tomato paste, purple basil
barley, turnip, onion, garlic, sour, yogurt, mint
Arpa, kundur, baharat, yogurt.
Wild greens, barley, yoghurt
bulghur, kurut(dried yoghurt), fresh coriander
Erzurum |
cilantro, bulghur, yoghurt
wheat, grape leaves, tomato paste
wheat, chickpeas, grapes, apricot, spices, molasses
Anatolia |
fresh black-eyed peas, mint, garlic, sour, tomato paste, bulghur
fresh black-eyed beans, yoghurt, bulghur, beef chunks, mint
cracked wheat, herb mixture, yoghurt, beans, spices
green lentil, cracked wheat, chickpeas, yoghurt, onion, mint
Agri |
zucchini, pennyroyal, mint, wheat, yoghurt, spices
porcini (bolete), onion, butter
rice, tarragon, purslane, garlic, yoghurt
Coriander, wheat, beans, chickpeas, lentils, noodles, onion, garlic, zucchini, chard, parsley
green lentil, tomato paste, noodle
Tied grass, flour, butter, black pepper
broad beans, yoghurt, rice, dill, spices
eggplant, fine bulghur, milk, beef broth, black pepper, tarragon, flour
okra, bulghur, tomato, onion, garlic, unripe grape juice
Konya |
tripe, head meat, cracked wheat
cracked wheat, grapes, beans, chickpeas, apricot, sugar
white corn, salty yoghurt, tarragon
Black Sea |
lamb shank, rice, garlic, lemon juice, chili pepper
G.Antep |
fresh pepper, rice, yoghurt, cress
cracked wheat, bittim, yoghurt
herb mixture, bulghur
nettle, bulghur, sundried tomato, onion, garlic
Central Aegean, Black Sea |
herb, mung, yogurt
vine leaves, bulghur, tomato paste
Cauliflower mushroom,milk, tarragon, black pepper,thin bulgur
yoghurt, wheat, cabbage, hempseed, spices
turnip,bulgur wheat , yoghurt, garlic, tarragon
bulghur, yoghurt, tarragon, turnip, hempseed
barley, turnip, onion, garlic, tomato paste, tarragon
black carrot, turnip, cracked wheat, chickpeas
enag root, dried goat meat, peeled wheat, spices
oregano, hackberry, sundried tomato, pomegranate molasses
green lentil, bulghur, greens, yoghurt, oregano
okra, ground beef, bulghur, sour, onion, garlic, dried tomato, dried pepper, tomato paste
Borage flower, bulgur, tomato paste, dried tomato, dried pepper, tarragone, sour,broth
Blacksea |
fresh peas, rice, yoghurt, tarragon
nettle, moldy cheese, olive oil, garlic, cornmeal
hackberry sprouts, yoghurt, bulghur
crocus, green lentil, cracked wheat, purple basil, yoghurt
hyssop, bulghur, yoghurt
sauerkraut, split wheat, chickpeas, bone broth, lamb meat, pickle juice, pickled peppers, lemon, onion, garlic, tomato paste.
Bitlis,Mus |
pickled pepper, chickpeas, bone broth, purple basil, cracked wheat, onion, tomato paste
Bulgur white cabbage onion hemp seeds tomato pepper paste spice broth basil.
onion, garlic, carrot, potato, beetroor, parsley, lemon, vinegar, dill
woodcock, bulghur, garlic, onion, dried red pepper, tarragon
woodcock, rice, carrot, potato, onion, parsley
woodcock, rice, milk, flour, spices
peas, bulghur, yoghurt
mung, bulghur, onion, tarragon
wheat, chickpeas, beef broth, spices
dovme, taze fasulye, dereotu, yogurt
wild plums, dried beef, grains
Dalak,Pirinc,Kus uzumu,Dereotu
Damarotu, cracked wheat ,yoghurt
Dereotu, nane, yarma bugday, yogurt.
taze misir, hoskiran, yogurt, taze nane
purslane, garlic, zucchini
Eastern Anatolia |
Sea beans, bulgur, yogurt, tarragon
dereotu, pirinc, yogurt
Musk thistle, vermicelli, lemon, quince, potato, carrot.
Blessed thistle, sorrel, chicken, wheat, yogurt, dill
Wheat, yogurt, various wild herbs
Fresh coriander, fresh onion, parsley, bulgur, yoghurt
Truffle, onion, milk, bulgur, spices
Tomato, rice, pepper, parsley, garlic, onion
Anatolia |
Beet,wheat,mint,fresh coriander,tomato
Roasted tomato, pepper, garlic, bulgur, parsley, sweet basil
Tomato, bulgur ball, onion, carrot, potato, green lentil, basil, dill, spices
Red pepper, tomato, bulgur, garlic, onion, basil
Purslane, bulgur, tomato paste, tomato, pepper, onion, garlic, olive oil
Tomato, noodles, peppers, onion, garlic, parsley, dill
Karagumruk |
Wild plums, dried goat meat, onion, garlic,turnip
Antalya |
Wheat, chickpeas,
oregano, yogurt
G.Antep |
Wheat, lentil, onion, garlic, yogurt, mint, chickpea, cole-seed
Beef tripe, braised meat, wheat, chickpeas, onion, garlic, paste, sumac sour, spices
Wheat, chickpeas, yoghurt, roasted, dried mint
wheat, trotters,,chili flakes, black pepper, garlic, lemon.
Pircikli havuc, dovme, nane.
yarma, nohut, domates salcasi, sogan, kemik suyu
Noodles, lentil, chickpeas, paste, onion, garlic, carrot, parsley, basil
Adana |
lamb,bone broth,lemon,yogurt,eggs,flour,garlic
Mallow, bulgur, carrot, onion, garlic, mint, butter
Black Sea |
Mallow,roman beans,rice,wild garlic,yoghurt,mint
Black Sea |
Efelek grass, paste, wheat, garlic, tomato, dried pepper
Kuzu kulagi, bulgur, kabak, yogurt
Lentil, rice, onion, garlic, parsley, lemon, spices
Turnip, bulgur, tomato and pepper paste, sour, olive oil, tarragon
wheat,sour grass,yogurt,spices
Spinach, sour, dried tomatoes, dried pepper, bulgur, tomato paste, olive oil, sour
Nettle, wheat, yogurt, tarragon,sour
Black wheat,chickpeas,onion,fresh garlic,parsley,dill,broth
Bulgur, chickpeas, tomato and pepper paste, tarragon, olive oil, lemon syrup
bulgur, tomato paste, tomato, pepper, mint, asparagus
Red lentils, bulgur, spinach, onion, garlic, spice, lemon
Chard, lentil, tomato, onion, garlic, sour, dill,
Swiss chard, bulgur, garlic, mint, verjuice, pepper paste, spices
Maras, Antakya |
Chard, wheat, garlic, chickpeas, pepper, sumac
Taze fasulye, taze nane, pirinc.
wild dried purslane, bulgur, dried pepper, dried tomato, dried mint, tomato pepper paste, broth
Adiyaman(Kahta) |
Leek, celery, rice, dill, carrot, garlic, sour,parsley
Purslane, wheat, sour, black eyed peas, tomato, onion, garlic
Aslik,Tarhan herb, tomato paste, pomegranate syrup
Yarpuzotu, bulgur, eksi, salca
Bulgur, onion, spices, tomato and pepper paste, custard, sour
Plum juice, cabbage, cowpea, mint
noodles,chickpeas,garlic,tomato paste,broth,basil,lentils
Turnip, wheat, onion, garlic, lemon, noodle, basil, paste, spices
Zucchini, noodles, yoghurt, coriander, garlic,
Noodles, pepper, milk, tarragon, parsley, spices
Noodles, lentil, garlic, onion, carrot, basil, tomato paste, spices
Patience-dock, wheat, beans, lentil, yogurt
Giresun |
red lentils, mint, garlic, onions, spices.
All Regions |
Wild green, chickpeas, wheat, yogurt, mint
Beans, dill, pepper paste, tomato
Green beans, rice, yogurt, basil
Green beans, wheat, yoghurt, dill
Wild herb, yogurt, bulgur, tarragon
Vine leaves, garlic, dried pepper, wheat, paste, spices
Vine leaves, wheat, mint, yogurt
Yoghurt, bulgur, mint (sprout = vineyard leaf)
Vine leaves, tomatoes, peppers, bulgur, tomato and pepper paste, spices.
Smoked wheat flour, meat water, parsley, dill
Smoked wheat, chickpeas, yogurt, onion, tarragon, turmeric
Wheat Flovour, milk, butter, firik.
Firik, bulgur, garlic, tomato paste, spices, head meat
Roasted tomato, bulgur, basil, onion, garlic, parsley, spices
Gari, fresh garlic, carrot, wheat, paste
wild greens, wheat berries, yogurt
Yilanotu, dovme, nar eksisi, salca
Turkey meat, pounded wheat, beans, chickpeas, grapes, yoghurt, zembul (thyme)
Tunceli |
Corn poppy, bulgur, yogurt, mint
Bulgur, sogan, patates, karabiber, gelincik mantari, sut
Gelineliotu, kurufasulye, bulgur, salca
beans, yoghurt, ground wheat, mint
cracked wheat, dried beans, yoghurt, basil
mushroom,bulgur,milk,black pepper,tarragon
gilgil unu,kurut,beyaz lahana,kenevir tohumu,sarimsak,reyhan,zeytinyagi,baharat
Siirt, Bitlis, Diyarbakir |
Gilgil, kuzu kulagi, yesil reyhan
Gilgil, zucchini, yogurt
Tripe,yghurt,wheat,purslane,black-eyed peas,cumin seed
Mushroom,onion, flour, black pepper,bulgur, milk, thyme, black pepper
Bartin |
Wild mushroom, rice, yogurt, spices
Yarma bugday, eriste, yogurt, baharat.
Gulik, yogurt, bulgur, black pepper
Tunceli |
Gulik, wheat, chickpeas, yogurt
Tunceli |
affodill, bulghur, green lentils, paste.
Mus |
Dovme,yabani otlar
Wild greens,yogurt,wheat,mint
G.antep |
halder otu, un, bulgur
Bulgur,turnip,celery leaves,carrot, potato,onion,garlic
Mustard greens,wheat,yoghurt
Mustard greens, onion, lentil, rice,
Lettuce, bulgur, yogurt, fresh coriander
Flour, broth, yogurt, onion, garlic, spices
Celery, bulgur, lentil, yogurt
Lettuce, rice, chichkpeas, yogurt, mint
Hashas otu,Yarma bugday,Yogurt
Helis herb, bulgur, yogurt, mint
Turkey Testicle, black flour, wild greens
Bulgur, yogurt, mixed herbs
Southeastern Anatolia |
Lettuce, sorrel, kale, bulgur, yogurt
Southeastern Anatolia |
Hoskiran otu,yarma bugday,yogurt
Cucumber, yogurt, bulgur, coriander
Dried cucumber, thin bulgur, roasted meat
Spinach, carrot, garlic, dried mint.
Spinach, flour, broth, yogurt, onion, garlic, spices
lentil, spinach, yogurt, tarragon.
Tarragon, bulgur, spinach, tomato paste, spices
Yogurt, spinach, rice, tarragon
Cabbage, black-eyed peas, mint, garlic, onion
Cornmeal,garlic,mint,olive oil,nettle
Corn, nettle, yogurt
Iskin, bulgur, garlic, paste, spices
Wild greens, zucchini, bulgur, yogurt
Eastern Anatolia |
Zucchini, garlic, bulgur, mint, spices, pomagranate syrup
Bulgur,onion,spices,tomato and pepper paste,zucchini flower,sour,tomato,pepper
Borage, lentil, wheat, yogurt, chickpeas, tarragon
Wild green,bulgur,,carrot,paste,fresh tarragon
Barbunya,aslik,nane,kavrulmus sogan.
Antalya |
Kara bugday, ispanak, sogan,eksi, reyhan, kemik suyu, yogurt
Black carrots, rice, garlic, vinegar, sour, spice
Red cabbage, beans, butter
Black Sea |
Black mushrooms, yoghurt, rice, tarragon, blackpepper
semiz, nane, kisnis, yogurt
Kale, garlic, corn flour, mint
Kale, beans, potato, bulgur, garlic, yogurt, spices
Blackbird, wheat, tomato, pepper, pepper paste, onion
Kale, beans, wheat, onion, garlic, chickpea, spices
kale, yogurt, spice,wheat
Kale, black eyed peas, meat water, spices
A type of mushroom, yoghurt, rice, black pepper, tarragon
Tripe, wheat, garlic, yogurt
Potato, yogurt, rice, purslane, coriander
Yogurt, wheat, cabbage, hemp seed
Lentil, celery, noodles, yogurt, garlic
yoghurt,chickpeas,mint,split wheat,lentils
split split,beans,corn,yoghurt,dried mint
Zucchini, yogurt, mint, bulgur
Unripe Melon, bulgur, yogurt, coriander
bone broth, kavut flour, bulgur flour, dried mulberry
Pirasa,Kaymak,Rezene,Bulgur,Havuc,Patates,Et Suyu
karabiber, bulgur, sut
Apricot, zucchini, basil, split
Van |
Crowbar, bulgur, yoghurt, tarragon
Crowbar, lentil, noodles, bulgur, chickpeas, paste, basil
Kazayagi otu, dovme, salca, eksi.
Noodles, lentils, chickpeas, paste, tomato, pepper, basil
Kekik, yarma bugday, yogurt.
Partridge,bulgur, tomato, Italian pepper
Spinach, chard, wheat, chickpeas, lentil, yogurt, beans, peppers, spices
kurut, white beet, green lentils, beans, chickpeas, split wheat, thyme, hemp seeds, roasted meat, dried lavash, basil sauce.
wheat, chickpeas, lentils, lamb, spinach, beetroot, yoghurt, hemp seeds
Unripe melon, wheat, chickpeas, garlic, tarragon, yoghurt
yogurt, bulgur, cabbage, tarragon.
Tomato paste, pepper paste, bulgur, cabbage, tarragon, spices, sour, olive oil
Cabbage, bulgur, yoghurt, fresh garlic, dried celery leaves, spices, olive oil
White cabbage, dry yogurt, meat water, garlic, basil
Dry yoghurt, cabbage, barley, spices, lentil
lamb's head and trotters.
(option of adding garlic,red pepper,lemon,vinegar)
Southeast and All Regions |
Sogan, zeytin yagi, kimyon
Truffles, bulgur, yogurt, milk, onion, tarragon, spices
tatli patates, sogan, zeytinyagi
Hemp seed, cabbage, wheat, dry pepper, yogurt
Acanthus, wheat, dried yogurt
Bingol |
acanthus,dried yogurt, tutmac
Bingol ve cevresi |
Bulgur,onion,kenger,salts,spices,broth,olive oil,dry tomato,dry pepper
Celery leaves, carrots,onion,garlic, parsley, potato
Marmara region |
Celery leaves, bulgur, yoghurt, spices, celery
celery, bulgur, yoghurt.
Celery, lentils, onion, garlic, carrot, potato, parsley, spices
Water cress, celery, yogurt, tarragon
Celery root, celery leaves, bulgur, yogurt, olive oil, spices
Turnip, yogurt, celery, bulgur, tarragon
Black lentils, noodles, basil, onions, garlic, broth
green lentils, noodles, onion, garlic, tomato paste, basil, broth.
lentils, noodles, chickpeas, bulgur, yoghurt, tarragon
Bingol |
Noodles, lentil, yoghurt, wheat, tarragon
Cabbage, onion, garlic, basil, noodle, sour
Chestnut, onion, red lentil, parsley, basil, bone water
Cuttlefish, yoghurt, coriander, onion, garlic.
kesh (dry yoghurt), red lentils, cracked wheat, chickpeas, thyme, onion, garlic, chili peppers
East Anatolian |
Wheat, milk, spices
noodles,yogurt,kesk(dry yogurt),garlic
Dry yoghurt, cabbage, wheat, spices
Carrot, bulgur, turnip, paste, garlic
Kara havuc,bulgur,mercimek,tuzlu yogurt,sarimsak,sogan,nar eksisi,pul biber
Kes, Lahana, Bulgur Baharat
Kiji otu, yogurt, bulgur.
Killi yemis, bulgur, sogan, sarimsak, nane
Coriander, rice, lentil, spinach, leek, onion, garlic, potato, yogurt, spices
Karadeniz |
Bulgur, yogurt, milk, kizvan, pung
Fasulye, dogme, yogurt.
yogurt, dereotu, pirinc
Kokoc, dovme, fasulye, nohut, kayisi, uzum kurusu
Chicken, onion, wheat, chickpeas, tomato, tarragon, spices
Bulgur, Roasted Tomatoes, Spices, Parsley
Wild greens, bulgur, yogurt
Wild greens, yogurt, rice, tarragon
Sorrel, wheat, sesame, yoghurt, tahini, garlic
zucchini,purslane, bulgur, tomato paste, tomato, pepper, mint.
Fine bulgur, yoghurt, kundur (pumpkin)
Zucchini,wheat,red lentils,tomato paste, garlic, onions,
Mung beans,zucchini,tarragon, pepper, onion,
Kind of mushroom,bulgur,milk,thyme,black pepper
Kuru bakla,tahin,dereotu,sogan
Purslane, onion, garlic, paste, black eyed peas, lentil
Kurut, bulgur, cabbage, spices, basil
Forged, cabbage, yogurt, red lentils, mint
Spinach, wheat, Chickpeas, Dried Yogurt, Beans, Lentils, Onion, Butter
split,cracked wheat,white cabbage,yogurt,cetene,tarragon
Yogurt, noodle, lentil, garlic, fresh mint, spices
coriander, spinach, yoghurt, bulgur
coriander, spinach, lentil, yoghurt.
Sorrel, yoghurt, bulgur, tarragon
Kuzucuk otu, dogme bugday, tarhun, yogurt.
Asparagus, rice, tomato
Kusotu(wild green),lentil,bulgur,paste,dill
Kus otu (wild green), wheat ,yoghurt
Bulgur, kirlangic, yesil reyhan, yogurt, karisik ot
Wild green, beans, garlic, wheat, yogurt, mint
Red cabbage, beans, wheat, meat water, garlic, fresh coriander, spices
Vine leaves dry, bulgur, onion, garlic, paste, sour, spice
Kizamik tarhanasi, onion, garlic, yogurt, sour
Cornelian cherry juice,bulgur,onion,garlic,black pepper
Cranberry, goat roasting, onion, garlic, spices
Bolu, Kastamonu |
yogurt, bulgur, kisnis, sarimsak
Lahana, taze fasulye, sarimsak, sogan, salca, baharat
Wheat, lean ground beef, strained yogurt, chickpeas
Nizip(G.Antep), S.Urfa |
Wheat, chickpea, yoghurt, bone broth, spices, olive oil, lamb meat
tandir meat,yogurt,chickpeas,rice,spices
Green beans, bulgur, yogurt, spices
Greeb beans, bulgur, yoghurt
Beans, yogurt, bulgur, coriander
wild greens, yogurt, bulgur, nane
Sivas, Tokat, Amasya |
Wild greens, paste, bulgur, onion, spices, olive oil
malgadin mantari, sut, bulgur, baharat
Malgadin manarti, bulgur, baharat
Red lentils, bulgur, onion, garlic, mint.
G.Antep |
Kara lahana, yarma bugday, biber, corduk, salca.
Eriste Mantari, yarma bugday, sogan, tarhun otu.
yeryaran mantari, sut, bulgur, karabiber, nevruz otu, soryaz, yogurt
Maras tarhana, turnip, onion, garlic, mint, chili pepper
Mash beans, yogurt, pepper, coriander
fennel, yoghurt,bulgur,coriander
mung beans, onion, tarragon, dried pepper, pepper and tomato paste, spices
Southeast |
Mung, yogur, tarragon
mung, yoghurt, tarragon, spices.
mung beans, garlic, yoghurt, tarragon
wheat berries, blackeyed peas, vermicelli, wild spinach,yogurt
Kigi, Karakocan, |
Mung, sugar, beet, butter, spices
Mung, purslane, onion, tomato paste, spices
Wheat, yogurt, grape molasses
Diyarbakir Ve Cevresi |
mendi, bulgur, yoghurt
Mendik (a kind of wild vegetables), wheat, , chickpeas, yogurt, spices
Lentils, dried yogurt, tomato and pimento,onion, garlic, mint
Merengic, bulgur, onion, milk, butter
Kind of mushroom, bulgur, yogurt, coriander
milk, mushroom
Kastamonu , Bolu |
Mivik otu, wheat, chickpeas, dried pepper, mint, yogurt
Bulgur, onion, spices, tomato and pepper paste,jute mallow,lemon juice,tomato, pepper,broth
(Suriye ) |
Wild greens, bulgur, onion, garlic, paste
murc, bulgur, paste, onion
Chicken juice, red pepper, black pepper, dried beans
Corn, yogurt, garlic
Kusotu(wild green), bulgur, mint, yoghurt
Diyarbakir |
Watercress, sorrel, lentil, chickpeas, rice, yogurt
Wild greens, wheat, yoghurt, tarragon
Guneydogu |
Apple, kiwi, mint, parsley, dill, tomato and pepper paste, bulgur, olive oil
Wheat, lentil, lentil, garlic, onion, mixed herbs, spices
Chickpeas, yogurt, spices
Chickpeas, chicken broth, spices
Chickpeas, chicken, sesame
chickpeas,onion, garlic
Ordek suyu, pirinc, havuc, patates, maydanoz, sogan.
Forest flower, onion, garlic, lentil, noodles, sour, paste
Forest flower, bulgur, flour, onion, garlic, parsley, tarragon
Bulgur, spinach, chard, zucchini, tarragon, pepper, yoghurt
Wheat, mixed herbs, garlic, onion, mint
green beans, herbs, wheat berries, yogurt
Misir, ot, yogurt
Kara Lahana,Misir,Kuru Fasulye,Salca,Et Suyu
Dovme, karisik ot, kurut.
Wheat, cheakpeas, chickhen, red pepper, oliveoil
G.Antep |
yogurt, dovme, pancar cicegi
wheat, gentian, pepper paste
Chard, wheat, butter, meat water
Chard, chickpeas, paste, bulgur, mint
Beet, wheat, garlic leaves, chickpeas, mint, greens
pancar, sogan, sarimsak, pirinc
daisy sprout, gilgil, strained yogurt
Patates, havuc, nane, maydanoz, pirinc
Eggplant, red pepper, bulgur, garlic, yogurt, mint
Swiss chard, strained yogurt, rice
Antakya |
pazi, dovme, yogurt, borulce
Yogurt, chickpeas, wheat
wheat,green lentil,yarpuz
Sivas |
Fried, roasted, green lentils, yoghurt, watermelon
forged wheat, chickpeas,spinach,yogurt,mimt
Yogurt, wheat, chard, pennyroyal
Yoghurt, bulgur, beet leaf, tarragon, olive oil
Swiss Chard,pepper,garlic,bulgur,yoghurt,dill
Carrot, onion, garlic, pepper and tomato paste, bulgur, red beet, tarragon, lemon juice, olive oil
Black carrot, kebab soup, onion, cowpea, bulgur, salted yogurt
Kara havuc,Salgam,un,sarimsak,baharat
yellow carrots, vermicelli, black pepper seeds, yoghurt,
Rice, chickpeas, meat with bones, tail fat, black pepper.
Purslane, wheat, yogurt, mint
Purslane, mung, yogurt, tarragon
Wheat berries, chickpeas, lentils, onion, tarragon, mint, purslane, spices.
Purslane, wheat, yogurt, mint
Zucchini, pepper, purslane, basil, veal, yogurt
Purslane, yoghurt, wheat, garlic, mint
purslane, lentil, bulgur, black eyed peas, onion, garlic, tomato, mint, sour, paste.
Purslane, fine bulgur, mint, yogurt
Vine leaves dry, bulgur, black eyed peas, onion, garlic, dried tomato, dried pepper, paste, sour, spice
red lentils, bulgur, onions, spices, tarragon, olive oil
Corn flour,pum pum,sausage
Bugday, yogurt, yarpuz
Leek, bulgur, garlic, yogurt
purslane, bulgur, kidney beans, lentil, paste, tomato, pepper, mint.
Bulgur, wild purslane, dried tomatoes and peppers, tomato paste, spices, broth
wheat, yogurt, purslane, mint.
Tomatoes, peppers, tomato paste, wild purslane, bulgur, sour
Bulgur, onion, garlic, pepper and tomato paste, spinach, mint olive oil,broth
Red lentils,fresh basil,bulgur,onion,garlic
Iskin, mercimek, bulgur, nane, yogurt, kisnis.
Wild greens, yogurt, bulgur, spices
Siverek |
noodles, carrots, celery, potatoes, dill, parsley, yoghurt
wheat berries, sheep`s head meat, garlic, tomato, pepper paste
Mantarli sut, un, sogan, karabiber, tarhin
Bulgur, Yogurt, Murc, Zeytinyagi
Sarmasik, Tomato paste, onion, spice, bulgur
Tomato, bulgur, basil, spices
Zucchini, potato, carrot, rice, onion, celery leaves,garlic,yoghurt,dill
Geleneksel |
Swiss chard,sorrel,zucchini,yoghurt,flour
Celery, leek, carrot, zucchini, spinach, onion, dill, bulgur, yogurt
wheat, purslane, pepper, yogurt,
Purslane, yoghurt, wheat, mint
hedik, mercimek, fasulye, simama otu, mor reyhan, sarimsak
Bulgur, garlic, zucchini, chickpeas, salty yogurt
ispanak, sarimsak, bulgur, tarhun, salca
green garlic,split beans,mint,yoghurt
Guneydogu Ve Dogu Anadolu |
Mercimek,pirinc,bas sarimsak,nane,pul biber,kimyon,karabiber
Wild greens, bulgur, yogurt, tarragon
bulgur, vinegar, tomato paste, pepper paste, lemon juice, onion, garlic, tomato, pepper, olive oil, mint
Wild Garlic, wheat, yogurt,
green lentils
wheat, wild greens, yogurt
Soryaz (Wild garlic), bulgur, onion, pepper paste, chilli pepper, sumac juice
Guneydogu |
millet, wild garlic
Semizotu, bulgur, yogurt, nane
Lentil, onion, bulgur, tarragon, spices
purslane, wheat, yoghurt, dried mint,
sogan,maydanoz,sarimsak,limon,kuru nane,domates,salatalik
purslane, lentils, bulgur, onion, garlic, tomato, parsley, mint, sour.
Purslane, coriander, bulgur, yogurt.
watercress, goat`s milk yogurt,bulgur
Water cress, bulgur, yogurt, green lentil,bulgur
Melon kernel, noodle, parsley, spices
Noodles,green lentils,tomato,pepper,onion,sweet basil,pepper paste
Milk, cabbage, lettuce, wheat, parsley, spices, basil
Kind of mushroom, onion, milk, rice, spices
Milk, almonds, rice, cinnamon, black pepper
Ottoman Royal cuisine |
Pumpkin, milk, rice, tarragon, black pepper, flour
Marmara |
Milk, mushroom, onion, bulgur, spices
milk, bulgur, wild greens
A kind of mushrooms,onion,bulgur,milk
Milk, wild greens, bulgur, black pepper
Crocus,bulgur,milk,black pepper
Milk, bulgur, wild greens
Tunceli,bingol,erzurum |
sugar beet, bulgur, milk, black pepper
Artichoke, milk, bulgur, dill
Noodles, black lentils, milk, black pepper, tarragon.
Milk, vine leaves, bulgur, black eyed peas, onion, garlic, pepper, spices
milk, wheat, mushroom
Kind of mushroom, bulgur, milk, onion, garlic, , black pepper
Wild greens, milk, bulgur
fine bulgur, milk, tarragon, pumpkin, flour, spices, olive oil
Kind of mushroom, milk, noodle, bulgur, saffron, black pepper
type of pumpkin, bulgur, milk, black pepper, tarragon.
Milk, cabbage, wheat, spices, tarragon, flour
East Anatolian |
celery,onion,garlic,carrot,milk,fine bulgur,butter,celery leaves
Zucchini, milk, flour, spices
mushroom, milk, bulgur, spice
Zucchini, milk, onion, flour, tarragon, black pepper, butter
Cabbage, milk, bulgur, black pepper
beef tongue mushroom, milk, bulgur, spices
East Blacksea |
Carrots, potatoes, celery, basil, garlic, chili peppers, mung beans
Wild greens, wheat, milk
bulgur,milk,sorrice grass
Wheat, lentil, noodle, milk, tarragon, spices
Lentils, meat broth, spices
All Regions |
Kind of mushroom, bulgur, milk, blackpepper, tarragon
wheat, chickpeas, onions, garlic, tomato paste, spices, bone broth,lamb meat
Maras tarhana, onion, garlic, chickpeas, turnip, yoghurt, dried mint, chili peppers
Kahramanmaras |
flour, tomatoes, pepper, yoghurt, garlic, spices
Tarhana, lentil, onion, garlic, pepper, mint
G.Antep - Nizip |
Wheat, lentil, lentil, garlic, yoghurt, onion, spices
wheat, cabbage, kidney beans, onion, garlic, mint, pepper.
bulgur, tarragon, tomato paste, spices
Bulgur, yogurt, zucchini, tarragon
Wild purslane,yogurt,bulgur,tarragon,spices
Eriste, yogurt, sarmisak, yag
Raisins, red beet, rice, spices, parsley
Chicken, noodles, garlic, tomato paste, black pepper, chili pepper, thyme
Rabbit,carrot,potato,rice,garlic,onion,bulgur,tarragon,olive oil
Taze Fasulye, yogurt, bulgur.
Chicken, onion, garlic, celery, potato, carrot, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, coriander,
Watercress, wheat, yoghurt, dill
asparagus, onion, tamato
Toklubas otu (wild greens), bulgur, yogurt
turnip, wheat, red lentil, yoghurt, black pepper, tarragon, bone broth.
wheat, black-eyed peas, onion, gristle, mint.
Borulce, lahana, sarmisak, sogan, nane, tarhana, kirmizi mercimek, dolmalik kuru biber
Wheat, chickpeas, dried beans, mint, yoghurt
Tarhana, garlic, onion, tomato, pepper, spinach, yogurt, meat water
Tumask (wild green), bulgur, lentil, yogurt, tarragon
Noodles, bulgur, roasted meat, green lentils, yoghurt, thyme.
Noodle, lentil, wheat, beans, chard, fresh coriander, yogurt
Sorrel, bulgur, lentil, dil, yogurt
gentian, wheat, sour, dried pepper, dried tomato, dried pepper, spices
Yilan otu(wild green), wheat, spices
Maras |
lamb,tomato and pepper paste,chickpeas,tarragon
Wheat, beef, beans, chickpeas, paste, basil
Beans and pickled peppers, paste, wheat, basil
biber, sarmisak, domates, tarhana
Paste, garlic game meat, green peppers, pepper
Grape leaves,tomato,wheat,mint
Wheat, yoghurt, black pepper, tarragon
Yarpuz, yogurt, kabak, bugday.
corn, pennyroyal
pennyroyal,bulgur, yogurt
Salgam, yavsa otu, bulgur, yogurt, nane
Rice, yoghurt, flour, mint, butter
Yeryaran mantari, bulgur, sarmisak
Plum juice, onion, bulgur, spices, garlic, parsley, yogurt
yesil mercimek, ebegumeci, mor reyhan
Green beans, wheat, yoghurt, mint
Yogurt, zucchini, chickpeas, wheat, halilizahter (thyme, sesame, cumin)
Antakya |
Chard, wheat, yogurt, mint
Soryaz otu, Bulgur, Yogurt
Yemlik otu, yogurt, bulgur
Zillop, yogurt, dovme
Yonca yapragi, yogurt, bulgur.
Turnip, yogurt, celery, bulgur, dreied red pepper, basil
Wheat berries, chickpeas, lentils, onion, yogurt, tarragon, spices.
G.Antep |
Broad beans, yogurt, dill, bulgur,fresh mint
broad beans, bulgur, yogurt, dill
Pepper, wheat, yogurt, tarragon
green almonds, yogurt, patience dock, fennel, bulgur, garlic, tarragon
Ciya |
Yogurt, Asparagus, bulgur, black pepper
Yogurt, beet, bulgur wheat, chickpeas, onion, garlic, tomato paste, vinegar, spices
Wheat berries, yogurt, thyme
G.Antep |
Vine leaves, bulgur, garlic, yogurt, spices
Vine leaves, bulgur, lentil, yogurt
cracked wheat,chard root,green lentils,pepper
Hashas otu, pirinc, yogurt, tarhana.
Nettle, onions, garlic, chili peppers.
Spinach ,Yogurt, Wheat, Pepper, Tarragon
nettle, yoghurt, bulgur wheat ,mint,garlic
Zucchini, yogurt, thin bulgur
Yogurt, wheat, cabbage, tarragon
Yoghurt, truffle, pee grass, onion, garlic, wheat.
celery, yoghurt, onion, garlic
Marmara, Balikesir |
Red lentils, split, coriander, spinach, garlic,yogurt
Kuzu kulagi, yogurt, kabak, bulgur.
Sorrel, bulgur, lentil, tomato and pepper paste, spices
Thorny Plant, bulgur, garlic, yogurt, mint
mushroom, yogurt
mung beans, wheat, yogurt, tarragon, olive oil.broth
Mash beans, wheat, garlic, yogurt, pepper, tarragon
Mendi Grass, Bulgur, Yogurt
Bulgur, Murc, Yogurt
Yogurt, tarragon, wheat, chard
Basil, chickpeas, tattoo, yogurt, garlic
Vine leaves, bulgur, yogurt
Bulgur,yogurt,wild purslane,spices
Risvat otu, yogurt, bulgur
Yogurt, murc, bulgur
Yogurt, carrot, celery, pumpkin, garlic, turnip, rice, tarragon
Purslane, bulgur, yogurt
Yogurt, wheat, beans, fresh garlic leaves, spices
East Anatolian |
Wild grass, yogurt, bulgur, tarragon.
wheat, yogurt, spinach, tarragon, spices.
Toklubas, yogurt, dogme.
Yogurt,watermelon,wheat,olive oil,spices
Chard, bulgur, yogurt, mint
char-grilled tomato and pepper, bulgur, basil, garlic, paste.
char-grilled tomato, peppers, garlic
Yilan yastigi otu(wild green)wheat,sour
wild greens
Gentian, yoghurt, wheat, cheackpeas
Maras, Osmaniye |
Gentian, paste, wheat, spice, Sumac sour
Maras, Osmaniye |
Yogurt, princ, zahter
Dried apricots, wheat, chickpeas, onion, tarragon
Zeresk, bulgur, yogurt
Horasan,Hakkari-Iranian |
Zucchini, celery, potato, bulgur, yoghurt, onion, garlic, fresh coriander
Cabbage, leek, carrot, wheat, pepper, sour,
wheat berries, zevzir, tomato, pepper paste, onion
wheat, fenugreek, marrow
Bulgur, yogurt, onion
Zillop, badem, bulgur, sut.
Zucchini,rice,sweet basil,dill,pepper,yoghurt
Yogurt, mint, rice, coriander
Dogu Anadolu |
ot, bulgur, sarimsak, sogan, tarhun, yogurt, mercimek
boulgur, wild green, wild basil, yogurt
Borage, wheat, chickpeas, meat water, spices
Turnip, bulgur, paste,tarragon, sour, onion, garlic, spices
Turnip, wheat, tomato paste, onion, garlic, tarragon
Turnip,radish,wheat,chickpeas, lentil, tarragon,yoghurt
Turnip, chickpeas, garlic, pepper, mint, tarhana, wheat, yogurt
Noodle, bulgur, yogurt, parsley, tarragon
Hiyar, sarimsak, bulgur, yogurt
Muskmelon, milk, quince, celery, barley, tarragon
Semsiye Mantari,Bugday,Yogurt
Zucchini, bulgur, milk, spices
Chickpeas, sugar beet, lentils, wheat, tomato paste, onion, spices
Beet, bulgur, tomato and pepper paste, sour, spices
Beetroot leaf, bulgur, paste, sour, mint
wheat berries, zucchini, yogurt
Wild green, bulgur, garlic, yoghurt, mint